2024: A Musical Odyssey
As I’ve noted before, I’m also taking music classes. As a demonstration of a concept in Music Theory, the teacher played Also Sprach Zarathustra. I’m having trouble finding in my notes what it represents, but I paused the video and sequenced a silly rendition of the main five notes… C4, G4, C5, E5, D#5, then a drum-beat of 4 pairs of C5, G4.
Using the root-whole-whole-half-whole-whole-whole-half for the key pattern (whole/half referring to steps), there are no sharps or flats in the key of C major, so that last note in the five-note sequence is out of key… I think? Of course, if I watch people play this on piano on YouTube, they play it with chords, which makes a much richer sound, and I’m finding there are some tones a chord can make that a single note only sort of approximates.
I’ve given myself a year and a half to learn music and drawing without having to put out anything I consider “professional grade,” and I’m 11% in, so I think maybe I’m making progress.
Anyway, here’s my sequencing of that five notes and the drum beat on FL Studio using their FLEX plugin. It starts with the Arksun Cityscape pack’s Dark Resonance tone and the drums are the Mobile Tuned 808 Bass pack’s 808 Crushed tone.
Again, I’m not trying to impress anyone. I’m learning in public in the hopes that as I get better, my progress will inspire others to believe they can get better too. And if I don’t get better, it’s unlikely this site will have many visitors.
Enjoy!… if you can.