About Bulmash Media, LLC

Bulmash Media, LLC is a business entity created for monetizing the creative works of Greg Bulmash in a variety of media, including but not limited to print, audio, video, augmented and virtual reality, and mediums as yet unexplored or unavailable. Your use of this website is governed by our terms of use and privacy policy.

Bulmash.com serves as a blog to document his personal thoughts and his Bulmash Media projects.

Who is Greg Bulmash?

The Greg Bulmash who owns this site (there’s more than one Greg Bulmash, but no more than three as far as he knows, and only one owns this site) has led a long and interesting career. At the age of 20, he dropped out of college and bummed around the Los Angeles comedy scene for a bit. He realized he liked writing new jokes rather than telling the same ones over and over in comedy clubs, so he went back to college and got a degree in Creative Writing.

In the years immediately following graduation, he worked a variety of temp jobs in the movie studios while he worked on finishing the first draft of Hell on $5 A Day. A year and a half out of university, he’d moved on to selling TVs and VCRs at Circuit City for more stability and he launched his first website: “Greg Bulmash’s Humor Page.” It featured original jokes and essays and was housed in 100 kilobytes of space on Earthlink. Essentially, he started blogging a few years before the word “blogging” was coined.

A year later, a spinoff of the original blog–a tongue-in-cheek celebrity “where are they now” column called The WASHED-UPdate–became a weekly feature on the Internet Movie Database (IMDb). Two years after that, he became IMDb’s Senior Editor after Amazon bought them and they had enough cash to staff up.

After multiple adventures in the tech industry (writing, editing, software development, developer relations), he self-published Hell on $5 A Day just to get it out of the nest as he’d been tinkering with it for over 27 years.

In 2024 he decided to focus his energy on getting back to his first loves: writing and humor. He’d had a number of business entities over the years for different projects, all with cute and catchy names (Distressed for Success, Kablowie Studios, DoWhile Digital), but he decided that it was time to brand on his own name. He took down the old archives of “Greg Bulmash’s Humor Page” from the 90s and put up this site at the same address… bulmash.com. His last “technical” project for an employer was the book Crafting Secure Software: An engineering leader’s guide to security by design. His most recent technical project (as of January 2025), is an open source script to help migrate an MP3 music collection out of Apple Music, which he created when he switched back from iPhone to Android.

Browse bulmash.com to learn more about the projects currently running and/or available.